Maota Affordable Loan Project (MALP)

Maota Affordable Loan Project (MALP) will improve access to stable and affordable housing for homeless individuals and/or for low to moderate-income level families or households. It will also support the development of affordable housing to increase the supply of affordable and high-quality living units

Home Loan (2 bedroom 2 Bath)

Home Loan (3 bedroom 2 Bath)

Home Loan (4 bedroom 2 Bath)

Home Repair Loan

Eligible Beneficiaries

  1. An American Samoa resident who is a U.S. Citizen, U.S. National or a legal Permanent Resident.
  2. Must be at least 18 years of age with a source of income.
  3. Must have been employed for one or more consecutive years.
  4. Must meet the definition of low-income and moderate-income based on the definitions provided by the U.S. Department of the Treasury as Final Rule as an implementation of the Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Fund (Final Rule/SLFRF).

Apply for a Loan Today!

For program availability and eligibility, please call our office: (684) 633-4031